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Quantitative determination of phytate in the presence of high inorganic phosphate
Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 77, Issue 2, February 1977, Pages 536-539
Rex Ellis, Eugene R. Morris, Constance Philpot

A method for estimating phosphate in the presence of phytate and its application to the determination of phytase Original Research Article
Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 132, Issue 2, 15 July 1983, Pages 285-287
John R. Cooper, Helen S. Gowing

Colorimetric determination of phytate in unpurified extracts of seeds and the products of their processing Original Research Article
Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 175, Issue 1, 15 November 1988, Pages 227-230
Iosif A. Vaintraub, Natalya A. Lapteva

Colorimetric determination of phytate in unpurified extracts of seeds and the products of their processing Original Research Article
Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 175, Issue 1, 15 November 1988, Pages 227-230
Iosif A. Vaintraub, Natalya A. Lapteva

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Cocaine, kindling, and psychosis

cám ơn mọi người nhiều:)

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Using a macroalgal δ15N bioassay to detect cruise ship waste water effluent inputs

Nhờ mọi người lấy giúp bài báo này:
Using a macroalgal δ15N bioassay to detect cruise ship waste water effluent inputs
James Kaldy
Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 62, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 1762–1771
và bài này:
Experimental evidence supports the use of δ15N content of the opportunistic green macroalga enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) to determine nitrogen sources to estuaries
Journal of phycology 2005, vol. 41, no2, pp. 287-293


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