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? ? Các bác có cuốn "An Introduction to Bioinformatics algorithms" ?Neil C. Jones, Pavel A. Pevzner ?không ? ?Nếu không có thì mai mốt bác nào rảnh scan cho anh em dân IT làm về BioInf cũng tốt lắm. ?Nếu có, cho mình xin 1 cuốn.

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Trần Hoàng Dũng said:
scan? tui chưa bao giờ có ý định scan sách cả, bạm có account netlibrary kô và có biết dùng OE kô, nếu có thì vô đó lấy đi, tui lấy cuốn này lâu lắm rồi.

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Re: Xin một số ebook

Đào Anh Phúc said:
Thật là xấu hổ khi chưa đóng góp gì nhiều cho diễn đàn mà nhờ vả mọi người cũng ngại. Các bác cho em xin mấy quyển sách cơ bản em tự học lại kiến thức, các bác giúp em nhé:

1 Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA (Hardcover)

2 Quyển Molecular trong diễn đàn.

3 Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fourth Edition (Hardcover)

4 Plant Physiology (Hardcover)

5Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology, Third Edition (Hardcover)

6Biochemistry (Hardcover)

7Mot quyen bioinformatic

?Cảm ơn mọi người nhiều, bỗng nhiên thấy kiến thức cơ bản quá hụt hẫng, phải làm mọt để nhai sách thôi.
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Quyển 3, 6 có thể download được ở Myilibrary.

Về các quyển Bioinfomatics, thì có rất nhiều quyển cũng download được ở Myilibrary:

Bioinformatics: Databases and Systems
Written By Letovsky, Stanley I.
Published By Springer in 1999
[Description] Bioinformatics brings computational methods to the analysis and processing of genomic data. This text focuses on the issues of system building and data curation that dominate the day-to-day concerns of bioinformatics practitioners. Included are chapters by bioinformatics practitioners, describing most of the current paradigms of system building and curation, including both their strengths and weaknesses. Biological topics covered include sequence
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General) >> Genetics

Bioinformatics: Genes, Proteins and Computers
Written By Orengo, C.A.; Thornton, J.M.; Jones, D.T.
Published By Taylor & Francis in 2002
[Description] Advanced Texts is a new programme of books published by BIOS, for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates. The books are short concise texts covering advanced topics typically studied in the final year of an undergraduate course or during taught-postgraduate courses. Bioinformatics, the use of computers to address biological questions, has become an essential tool in biological research. It is one of the critical keys needed to unlock the infor
[Related Subjects] ? Technology >> Handicrafts. Arts and crafts >> Home arts. Homecrafts [Including sewing, embroidery, decorative crafts]

Bioinformatics Technologies
Written By Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe
Published By Springer in 2005
[Description] Solving modern biological problems requires advanced computational methods. Bioinformatics evolved from the active interaction of two fast-developing disciplines, biology and information technology. The central issue of this emerging field is the transformation of often distributed and unstructured biological data into meaningful information.This book describes the application of well-established concepts and techniques from areas like data minin
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General)

Microarray Bioinformatics
Written By Stekel, Dov
Published By Cambridge University Press in 2003
[Description] This book is a comprehensive guide to all of the mathematics, statistics and computing you will need to successfully operate DNA microarray experiments. It is written for researchers, clinicians, laboratory heads and managers, from both biology and bioinformatics backgrounds, who work with, or who intend to work with microarrays. The book covers all aspects of microarray bioinformatics, giving you the tools to design arrays and experiments, to an
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Physiology >> Animal biochemistry

Bioinformatics, Biocomputing and Perl: An Introduction to Bioinformatics Computing Skills and Practice
Written By Moorhouse, Michael
Published By Wiley Publishers in 2005
[Description] Bioinformatics, Biocomputing and Perl presents a modern introduction to bioinformatics computing skills and practice. Structuring its presentation around four main areas of study, this book covers the skills vital to the day-to-day activities of today�s bioinformatician. Each chapter contains a series of maxims designed to highlight key points and there are exercises to supplement and cement the introduced material. Working with Perl<
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General)

Bioinformatics Software Engineering: Delivering Effective Applications
Written By Weston, P.
Published By Wiley Publishers in 2005
[Description] Bioinformatics Software Engineering: Delivering Effective Applications will be useful to anyone who wants to understand how successful software can be developed in a rapidly changing environment. A handbook, not a textbook, it is not tied to any particular operating system, platform, language, or methodology. Instead it focuses on principles and practices that have been proven in the real world. It is pragmatic, emphasizing the importanc
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General)

Bioinformatics: Sequence, structure, and databanks: A Practical Approach
Written By Higgins, Des; Taylor, Willie
Published By Oxford University Press in 2001
[Description] Bioinformatics covers practical important topics in the analysis of protein sequences and structures. It includes comparing amino acid sequences to structures comparing structures to each other, searching information on entire protein families as well as searching with single sequences, how to use the Internet and how to set up and use the SRS molecular biology database management system. Finally, there are chapters on multiple sequence alignment
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General)

Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
Written By Jonathan Pevsner
Published By Wiley Publishers in 2005
[Description] Wiley is proud to announce the publication of the first ever broad-based textbook introduction to Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by a trained biologist, experienced researcher, and award-winning instructor. In this new text, author Jonathan Pevsner, winner of the 2001 Johns Hopkins University "Teacher of the Year" award, explains problem-solving using bioinformatic approaches using real examples such as breast cancer, HIV-1, and retinal-b
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Biology (General) >> Genetics

Emergent Computation: Emphasizing Bioinformatics
Written By Simon, Matthew
Published By Springer in 2005
[Description] Emergent Computation emphasizes the interrelationship of the different classes of languages studied in mathematical linguistics (regular, context-free, context-sensitive, and type 0) with aspects to the biochemistry of DNA, RNA, and proteins. In addition, aspects of sequential machines such as parity checking and semi-groups are extended to the study of the Biochemistry of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Mention is also made of the relationship of algebr
[Related Subjects] ? Medicine >> Medicine (General) >> Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation

Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery
Written By Larson, Richard S.
Published By Humana Press in 2006
[Description] A collection of readily reproducible bioinformatic methods to advance the drug discovery process from gene identification to protein modeling to the identification of specific drug candidates. The authors demonstrate these techniques, including microarray analysis, the analysis of genes as potential drug targets, virtual screening and in silico protein design, and cheminformatics, in a variety of practical situations. Because these technologies a
[Related Subjects] ? Medicine >> Therapeutics. Pharmacology >> Drugs and their actions

Tuy nhiên có một chút rắc rối là Myilibrary chỉ cho download tối đa 60 trang/quyển/ngày ==> Nản quá.
Em đang rất cần mấy cuốn sách có tên sau mong sự độ lượng của các Bác, các chú giúp em với.

1. Plant cell culture, D. Evans, Biosscientific, 2003, 256pp
2. Electrophoresis in practice: aguide to methods and application of DNA and protein separations, 4 th ed. R Westermeire, John Wiley&Sons, 2005, 384pp.
3. Handbook of plant Genome mapping: genetic and physical mapping. K. Meksum and G Kahl, John Wiley & Sons, 2005, 402 pp.
4. Internet for cell and molecular biologists, 2nd ed., A. Cabibbo, Horizon Bioscience, 2004, 458pp.
5. Isolation and purification of proteins, R. Hatti-Kaul and B. Mattiasson, Marcel Dekke, 2003, 688pp.
6. Medicinal plants of the world, Vol. 1 chemical constituents, traditional and modern medicinal user, 2 nd ed. I. Ross, Humana press, 2003, 478 pp.
7. Programmed cell death in plants, J. Gray, CRC press, 2004, 287 pp.
Nguyễn Ngọc Tú said:
Trần Hoàng Dũng said:
scan? tui chưa bao giờ có ý định scan sách cả, bạm có account netlibrary kô và có biết dùng OE kô, nếu có thì vô đó lấy đi, tui lấy cuốn này lâu lắm rồi.

Chào anh Dũng,
    Tú không có accout của netlibrary và các tạp chí khác, nên thông thường chỉ tìm trong một số trang ebook và dùng emule nhưng kiếm không được sách này.
    Và thực sự cũng chưa biết OE là gì ? anh Dũng có thể nói sơ lược nơi nào hay phần mềm gì liên quan tới nó không ? Để lần sau có thể tự tìm được.
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Nhân tiện, nếu có project "vặt lông" nào mới thì anh Dũng cho Tú ?đăng ký tham gia.
Email Tú vẫn dùng như phần trên.

Bác Linh ơi, myilibrary đâu có free phải không? Bác có account à?
Bác có nhầm cuốn Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish) với cuốn Molecular biology of the cell (Albert) không? Cuốn Molecular biology of the cell tìm hết rồi mà chỉ thấy có 3rd edition trên ncbi thôi.
Cuốn Biochemistry Stryer cũng không có ebook mà chỉ có bản web companion của 5th edition thôi à.
Hay tụi nào bỏ công ra scan mấy cuốn này rồi.

To Tú: Mấy cuốn a. Linh liệt kê đó tui có thể cho bạn hết nhưng phải đợi sau 10/9 về Huế mới gửi được.
Có phải đây ko:

? ?
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Third Edition
Written by Alberts, Bruce; Bray, Dennis; Lewis, Julian; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Watson, James D.
Published by Taylor & Francis in 1994
Readership level is undergraduate; postgraduate; research/professional

Edition: 3rd Revised Edition
Publish Date: 03/31/1994
ISBN: 0203169557
LC Classification: QH581.2 - Cytology
BIC: PSD - Molecular biology
Dewey: 574.87
Keywords: Cytology.; Molecular biology.; Cells.; Molecular Biology.
Description: The third edition of this text is completely reorganized to reflect new discoveries, emphases and approaches. It covers advances in signal transduction, intracellular protein sorting, and gene regulation; it also adds two new chapters on recombinant DNA techniques and proteins as machines.

Written by Hames, B.D.; Hooper, N.M.
Published by Taylor & Francis in 2000
Readership level is academic/specialist

Edition: 2nd Edition
Publish Date: 06/15/2000
ISBN: 0203645278
LC Classification: QD415 - Biochemistry
BIC: PSB - Biochemistry
Dewey: 572
Keywords: Bioscience
Description: Instant Notes in Biochemistry, 2/e provides an easy access to the fundamentals in this field. The book is a major update on the very successful first edition with expanded coverage of transcription, RNA processing and protein synthesis and many additional.

Không phải sách scan đâu.
Huỳnh Văn Kiệt said:
Em đang rất cần mấy cuốn sách có tên sau mong sự độ lượng của các Bác, các chú giúp em với.

1. Plant cell culture, D. Evans, Biosscientific, 2003, 256pp
2. Electrophoresis in practice: aguide to methods and application of DNA and protein separations, 4 th ed. R Westermeire, John Wiley&Sons, 2005, 384pp.
3. Handbook of plant Genome mapping: genetic and physical mapping. K. Meksum and G Kahl, John Wiley & Sons, 2005, 402 pp.
4. Internet for cell and molecular biologists, 2nd ed., A. Cabibbo, Horizon Bioscience, 2004, 458pp.
5. Isolation and purification of proteins, R. Hatti-Kaul and B. Mattiasson, Marcel Dekke, 2003, 688pp.
6. Medicinal plants of the world, Vol. 1 chemical constituents, traditional and modern medicinal user, 2 nd ed. I. Ross, Humana press, 2003, 478 pp.
7. Programmed cell death in plants, J. Gray, CRC press, 2004, 287 pp.

Myilibrary có quyển 5, 7.

Netlibrary có quyển 2, 3, 6.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Third Edition
Written by Alberts, Bruce; Bray, Dennis; Lewis, Julian; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Watson, James D.
Published by Taylor & Francis in 1994
Readership level is undergraduate; postgraduate; research/professional

lấy từ NCBI version 4 dưới dạng offline sau đó cưỡng bức qua PDF, coi cũng được
Quyển Plant Cell Culture thì chỉ thấy hai quyển tương tự ở Myilibrary:

Plant Cell Culture Protocols
Written By Hall, Robert
Published By Humana Press in 1999
[Description] ? (Not Available)
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Botany >> Plant physiology

Plant Cell Culture Protocols
Written By Loyola-Vargas, Victor M.
Published By Humana Press in 2006
[Description] A comprehensive state-of-the-art collection of the most frequently used techniques for plant cell and tissue culture. Readily reproducible and extensively annotated, the methods range from general methodologies, such as culture induction, growth and viability evaluation, and contamination control, to such highly specialized techniques as chloroplast transformation involving the laborious process of protoplast isolation and culture. Most of the pr
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Botany >> Plant physiology
Cuốn này nằm trong bộ Methods in Molecular Biology, đã có trên thị trường rồi.

To A LINH: 1 ngày cho load 60 trang, vậy làm sao mà load???
Bác Linh ơi bác chẳng coi kỹ gì cả: Cuốn Molecular Biology of the Cell họ xin là 4th edition đó. 3rd edition em có hardcopy từ năm 97 kia. Cuốn Biochemistry Lubert Stryer 4th edit. em cũng có hardcopy từ 98 kia trong khi cuốn họ xin là 5th edition. Mà cuốn của Stryer thích hợp cho sv Y hơn so với Mathew Van Holdes hay Lehningers.

To Kiệt: Cuốn 2 tôi có. Mà chắc chắn là không phải từ Netlibrary đâu mà từ hay yushan gì đó không nhớ rõ nữa. Hardcopy cũng có nhưng là 2nd edition.

Bác Linh vẫn chưa trả lời em về account của myilibrary? Vào từ ezproxy à? (Em không có nói xin nha - đừng sợ)
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Nguyễn Trần Linh said:
Quyển Plant Cell Culture thì chỉ thấy hai quyển tương tự ở Myilibrary:

Plant Cell Culture Protocols
Written By Hall, Robert
Published By Humana Press in 1999
[Description] ? (Not Available)
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Botany >> Plant physiology

Plant Cell Culture Protocols
Written By Loyola-Vargas, Victor M.
Published By Humana Press in 2006
[Description] A comprehensive state-of-the-art collection of the most frequently used techniques for plant cell and tissue culture. Readily reproducible and extensively annotated, the methods range from general methodologies, such as culture induction, growth and viability evaluation, and contamination control, to such highly specialized techniques as chloroplast transformation involving the laborious process of protoplast isolation and culture. Most of the pr
[Related Subjects] ? Science >> Botany >> Plant physiology

Bác Linh giúp cho Kiệt mấy cuốn này đi, chứ Bác nói thế thì e cũng chịu chết thôi.
Email của e là:

Nguyễn Ngọc Lương said:
To Kiệt: Cuốn 2 tôi có. Mà chắc chắn là không phải từ Netlibrary đâu mà từ hay yushan gì đó không nhớ rõ nữa. Hardcopy cũng có nhưng là 2nd edition.

Lương giúp mình cuốn này nhé. cuốn này trên không có Lương à.
Không đúng, nhưng ai cần thì...

Biochemistry (2nd edition)




Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham, "Biochemistry" (2nd edition)
Harcourt Brace, Custom Publishers | ISBN 0030758173 | 1999 Year | PDF | 24,6 Mb | 851 Pages


In Biochemistry, the questions can be more revealing than the answers. This Second Edition offers a unique conceptual and organizing framework, "Essential Questions." Guiding students through the density of the material by the use of section head questions, supporting concept statements, and summaries, this focused approach is supported by unparalleled text/media integration through BiochemistryNow, providing students with a seamless learning system. Beautifully and consistently illustrated, the Third Edition gives science majors the most current presentation of biochemistry available. Written by a chemist and a biologist, the book presents biochemistry from balanced perspectives.
Molecular Biology of the Cells, 4th Ed ==> Đúng cái của các bác đấy nhé:



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