tảo spirullina ứng dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực

Em chỉ mới biết sơ sơ về tảo này thôi, nên khi nghe các anh bàn về việc nuôi trồng tảo nào là nồng độc pH, CO2 rùi nhiều thứ khác nữa làm em hơi chóang ? ?8O ? nên em chỉ biết ngồi nhìn thôi, chứ tham gia thảo luận thì chưa đủ trình độ.. hichic... :cry:
Nên anh lamvt ơi anh có tài liệu nào thì share cho em 1 chút với nhá..
Cám ơn anh nhìu nhìu "nắm, nắm" 8)
to SHMT:
cậu hãy định nghĩa cho mình từ này rùi minh nói chuyện tiếp với cậu
nhưng nhớ là không sử dụng đến phân bón hóa học hay sinh học nhé
chú tìm tài liệu này nhé: Spirulina, the edible microorganism
department of genetic and microbiology, university of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
trong Microbiologycal prevews, Dec.1983,p.551-578
vol.47, no.4
đã không nói thì thô chứ đã nói thì làm anh thèm đây là do ý chú nhé anh nghe tiếng rượu là bủn rủn chân tay rùi nên không thể nhanh được
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to bio-tomato anh không thể đọc được thư do em gửi viết lại nhé?
em cần gì cứ hỏi trên diễn đàn, anh không trả lời được còn có các anh chị cao thủ khác trả lời cho chứ?
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Em muốn hỏi về lĩnh vực ứng dụng tảo spirulina trong cuộc sống, như ứng dụng trong thực phẩm hay mỹ dược phẩm... Đã có ai làm về vấn đề này chưa ạ? Có thể giới thiệu giúp em về người đó và tại liệu được ko? Thanks!
bài này thử xem:
Spirulina is a photosynthetic, filamentous, spiral-shaped, multicellular and green-blue microalga.  The two most important species of which are Spirulina maxima and Spirulina platensis.  For these microorganisms cell division occurs by binary fission.  Since this material contains chlorophyll a, like higher plants, botanists classify it as a microalga belonging to Chyanophyceae class; but according to bacteriologists it is a bacterium due to its prokaryotic structure.  Before Columbus, Mexicans (Aztecs) exploited this microorganism as human food; presently, African tribes (Kanembu) use it for the same purpose.  Its chemical composition includes proteins (55%-70%), carbohydrates (15%-25%), essential fatty acids (18%) vitamins, minerals and pigments like carotenes, chlorophyll a and phycocyanin.  The last one is used in food and cosmetic industries.   Spirulina is considered as an excellent food, lacking toxicity and having corrective properties against viral attacks, anemia, tumor growth and malnutrition.  It has been reported in literature that the use of these microalgae as animal food supplement implies enhancement of the yellow coloration of skin and eggs yolk in poultry and flamingos, growth acceleration, sexual maturation and increase of fertility in cattle.

Key words:  food, microalgae, nutrition, Spirulina.

Spirulina es una microalga verde-azul, fotosintética, filamentosa, en forma helicoidal, multicelular.  Las dos especies más importantes son Spirulina máxima y Spirulina platensis.  La división celular se realiza por fisión binaria.  Según los botánicos es una microalga debido a la presencia de clorofila a al igual que en plantas superiores.  Pertenece a la división Cianofita y a la clase Cianofícea, pero según los bacteriólogos es una bacteria debido a su estructura procarionte.  Se conoce desde tiempos precolombinos, que este microorganismo fue utilizado como alimento por tribus mexicanas (Aztecas) y actualmente por tribus africanas (Kanembu).  Su composición química incluye proteínas (55%-70%), azúcares (15%-25%),  ácidos grasos esenciales (18%), vitaminas, minerales y pigmentos como carotenos, clorofila a y ficocianina; éste último utilizado en industrias de alimentos y cosméticas.   Se le considera excelente alimento, exento de toxicidad y poseedor de propiedades correctoras de ataques virales, anemia, crecimiento tumoral y malnutrición.  La literatura ha reportado, que Spirulina, usada como alimento de animales conlleva al realce de la coloración amarilla de piel y yema de huevos, en gallináceos y flamencos; aceleración de crecimiento, maduración sexual y aumento de fertilidad, en bovinos.

Palabras clave:  alimento, microalga, nutrición,  Spirulina.


It is not known with accuracy when man began to use microalgae.  The current use of these resources has three precedents: tradition, scientific and technological development, and the so-called, “green tendency” (Henrikson, 1994).   Bernal Díaz del Castillo, a member of Hernán Cortez´s troops, reported in 1521, that S. maxima was harvested from the Lake Texcoco, dried and sold for human consumption in a Tenochtitlán (today Mexico City) market, (Figure 1).  This author makes reference to "..small cakes made of a mud-like algae, which has a cheese-like flavor, and that natives took out of the lake to make bread,..." (Ciferri, 1983).  Years later, the Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún wrote: “... in certain periods of the year, very soft things are gathered from Mexican lakes.  They look like curdles, have a clear blue color, and are used to make bread,  that then eaten cooked...”  Natives gave this food the name of Tecuitlalt, which in their language literally means “excrements of stones”.  In 1524, friar Toribio of Benavente related that the Aztecs harvested the Tecuitlalt, using clothes for pressing and the resulting dough was placed on sand and exposed to the sunshine for its drying.  Once Spanish Conquest was over, the topic of the Tecuitlalt was not mentioned again, and its elaboration fell into oblivion, possibly due to contagious disease outbreaks, attributed to the new customs adopted by the Indians, new foods, and the deep social, political and religious changes brought by the Europeans (Henrikson, 1994).

In 1940, the French phycologist P. Dangeard mentioned a cake called dihé, consumed by the people of the Kanembu tribe, near the African Lake Chad, in the sub-desert area of Kanem.  Dihé is a hardened cake of blue-green algae, collected at the banks of small ponds surrounding the lake and later on sun-dried.  Dangeard studied the dihé samples and concluded that it was a purée of a spring form blue algae, main constituent of the phytoplankton in a large number of the African Valley’s lakes (Ciferri, 1983).  

Between 1964 and 1965, the botanist Jean Leonard (Leonard, 1966), who participated in the Belgian Trans-Saharan Expedition, was impacted when he observed "a curious bluish green substance, similar to cookies…"  Leonard confirmed that dihé was made up of Spirulina, obtained from alkaline lakes in the Kanem desert, northeast of Lake Chad.  This investigator and his colleague Cómpere corroborated the previous report by P. Dangeard, from whose observations the chemical analyses of Spirulina began.  At that time, a group of French investigators studied some samples of Spirulina (S. maxima) that grew abundantly in Lake Texcoco, near Mexico City (Ciferri, 1983; Richmond, 1992).

From the scientific point of view, the microalgae cultivation began in 1919 with Warburg’s investigations.  This scientist was well known for his works on dense suspensions of Chlorella, as a tool to study photosynthesis.  The easy manipulation under controlled conditions and the experimental reproducibility made the microalgae favorite organisms for biochemical, vegetable physiology and photosynthetic studies.  In 1950, the United States and Japan began the experimental cultivations of this microorganism to investigate its chemical composition and industrial applications.  Japan was the first country to produce Chlorella using this microorganism as diet food or a water-soluble extract, denominated Chlorella Growth Factor (Devlin, 1975).  

From 1970, the nutritional and medicinal studies on Spirulina have proliferated (Chamorro, et al., 1996; Fox, 1993; Hayashi, 1996a; Richmond, 1992; Saxena, et al., 1983; Schwartz and Shklar, 1987).   In 1970, the German Federal Republic supported investigations on human consumption of Spirulina in India, Thailand and Peru.  In the Asian countries, the production was focused on nutritious support for the undernourished population; in Peru, efforts have been made to industrialize the production of Scenedesmus. In 1970, the massive production of microalgae, which could be used in protein production and in water treatment, was projected (Ayala and Vargas, 1987; Cañizares, et al., 1993; Ciferri and Tiboni, 1985; Oxa and Ríos, 1998).

Spirulina is marketed and consumed in: Germany, Brazil (Lacaz and Nascimento, 1990), Chile, Spain, France, Canada, Belgium, Egypt, United States, Ireland, Argentina, Philippines, India, Africa, and other countries, where public administration, sanitary organisms and associations have approved human consumption (Henrikson, 1994).  Some of the best worldwide known Spirulina producing companies are:  Earthrise Farms (USA), Cyanotech (USA), Hainan DIC Microalgae Co., Ltd (China), Marugappa Chettir Research Center (India), Genix (Cuba) and Solarium Biotechnology (Chile) (Ayala, et al., 1988; Jourdan, 1993; Belay, 1997).


According to the classification in Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Spirulina (Arthrospira), (Figure 2) belongs to the oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria that cover the groups Cyanobacteria and Prochlorales (Castenholz and Waterbury, 1989; Whitton, 1992), which are, by phylogeny, related to the sequence of the rARN (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) sub-unit 16S.  As a function of the sequence data of this sub-unit and the rRNA sub-unit 5S, these prokaryotes are classified within the eubacteria group.

In 1827, P. J. Turpin isolated Spirulina from a fresh water sample (Ciferri, 1983).  In 1844, near the city of Montevideo, Wittrock and Nordstedt reported the presence of a helical, septal and green-blue microalgae named Spirulina jenneri f. platensis.  But it was not until 1852, that the first taxonomic report written by Stizenberger, appeared. He gave this new genus the name Arthrospira based on the septa presence, helical form and multicellular structure.

Gomont confirmed Stizenberger’s studies in 1892.  This author attributed the aseptate form to the Spirulina genus, and the septal form to the Arthrospira genus.  Geitler in 1932, because of the helical morphology, reunified the members of the two genera under the designation Spirulina without considering the septum presence only morphological similarity.  In 1989, these microorganisms were classified into two genera, according to a suggestion by Gomont in 1892 (Castenholz and Waterbury, 1989); this classification is currently accepted (Tomaselli, et al., 1996; Vonshak and Tomaselli, 2000).

The systematic position of cyanobacteria has been a matter of discussion, as these photosynthetic organisms were first considered algae.  In 1962, a distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes was clearly established. The main difference is based upon the presence of cell organelles enveloped by a phospholipidic membrane in eukaryotes.  Stanier and Van Neil (1969) incorporated green-blue algae into the prokaryote kingdom and proposed to call these microorganisms cyanobacteria. This designation was accepted and first published in 1974 in the Bergey`s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Guglielmi, et al., 1993).

Spirulina and Arthrospira must be admitted as different genera. The worldwide investigation on microalgae has been carried out under the name of Spirulina; this common designation between scientist and consumers has proved difficult to change.  The microalgae exploited as food with excellent health properties belongs to the genus Arthrospira, but it will probably be called Spirulina for some time.

Spirulina and Arthrospira morphologies are differentiated fundamentally by: helix type, distribution of pores in the cell wall, visibility of septos under light microscopy, diameter and fragmentation type of Trichomes (filaments) (Guglielmi, et al., 1993; Vonshak and Tomaselli, 2000).  As mentioned, S. maxima and S. platensis are the most important species in this genus and among these exist taxonomic differences in filaments, vacuoles and external cover or capsule regularity of each filament (Tomaselli, 1997).

The names cyanobacteria and green-blue algae (Cyanophyceae), are considered compatible terms.  The first one refers to the phylogenetic / taxonomic relationship, while the second represents the ecological/biological correlation (Castenholz and Waterbury, 1989).


Transmission Electron Microscope observations show for Spirulina prokaryotic organization, capsule, pluri-stratified cell wall, photosynthetic or thylakoid lamella system, ribosomes and fibrils of DNA region and numerous inclusions.  The capsule has fibrillar structure and covers each filament protecting it.  The irregular presence of capsule around the filaments in S. platensis is a differentiating morphological characteristic to compare with S. maxima (Balloni, et al., 1980; Belay, 1997).  Trichome width varies from 6 to 12 μm, and is composed of cylindrical cells.  The helix diameter varies from 30 to 70 μm (Tomaselli, 1997); the trichome length is about 500 μm, although in some cases when stirring of culture is deficient the length of filament reaches approximately 1 mm. It is very important to explain that the helical shape of Spirulina in liquid culture is changed to spiral shape in solid media (Figure 3). These changes are due to hydratation or dehydratation of oligopeptides in the peptidoglycan layer (Ciferri, 1983).

Spirulina cell wall is formed by four numbered layers, from the inner most outward as: LI, LII, LIII and LIV.   All these layers are very weak, except layer LII made up of peptidoglycan, substance that gives the wall its rigidity (Ciferri, 1983).  The LI layer contains b-1,2-glucan, a polysaccharide not very digestible by human beings.  However, the low concentration (<1%) of this layer, thickness its (12 nm), and the protein and lipo-polysaccharide nature of the LII layer are favorite reasons for the easy human digestion of Spirulina  (Balloni, et al., 1980).

In this microorganism chlorophyll a, carotenes and phycobilisomes, which contain phycocyanin (blue pigment) are located in the thylakoid system or photosynthetic lamellas.  The inter-thylakoid space is limited by the presence of electronically transparent protein gas vesicles, with the cylindrical form that give Spirulina its floating capacity (Ciferri, 1983).

Ribosomes and fibrils of DNA region are generally of central localization (Balloni, et al., 1980).

Spirulina contains numerous characteristic peripheral inclusions associated to thylakoids. Those are: cyanophycin granules, polyhedral bodies, polyglucan granules, lipid granules, and polyphosphate granules (Balloni, et al., 1980; Ciferri, 1983).  The cyanophycin granules, or reserve granules, are important due to their chemical nature and a series of pigments.  The polyhedral bodies or carboxysomes mainly contain  the enzyme ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase that allows the fixation of CO2 in photosynthetic organisms and probably carry out a reserve function.  The polyglucan granules or glycogen granules or a-granules are glucose polymers, small, circular and widely diffused in the interthylacoidal space.  The lipid granules, b-granules or osmophile granules form the reservation deposit, constituted by poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), found only in prokaryotes.  PHB acts as a carbon and energy reserve (Vincenzini, et al., 1990).


A fundamental aspect of Spirulina biology is its life cycle (Figure 4) due to the taxonomic, physiologic and cultivation implications (Ciferri, 1983; Richmond, 1984).  This period is summarized in three fundamental stages: trichomes fragmentation, hormogonia cells enlargement and maturation processes, and trichome elongation.  The mature trichomes are divided into several small filaments or hormogonia through previous formation of specialized cells, necridium cells, in which the cell material is reabsorbed allowing fragmentation.  The number of cells in the hormogonias is increased by binary fission.  For this process, the trichomes grows lengthwise and takes their helical form (Balloni, et al., 1980).


Since 1970, Spirulina has been analyzed chemically.  It has been shown to be an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and minerals (Switzer, 1980).

Proteins.  Spirulina has a high protein concentration (60%-70% of its dry weight), (Table 1) (Ciferri, 1983).  Spirulina is useful in human nutrition, due to the high quality and quantity of its protein.  The nutritive value of a protein is related to the quality of amino acids, digestibility coefficient, as well as by its biological value (Dillon and Phan, 1993; Richmond, 1992).  Spirulina contains essential amino acids; the highest values are leucine (10.9% of total amino acids), valine (7.5%), and isoleucine (6.8%), (Cohen, 1997).  Denaturation of Spirulina protein is observed when algae are heated above 67 ºC, at neutral aqueous solution.  Hydrophobic regions interaction during heating and hydrogen bonds formation during cooling are aggregation and gelation factors of Spirulina protein  (Chronakis, 2001).

Vitamins.  Among food, Spirulina has a relative high provitamin A concentration (Belay, 1997), (Table 2).  An excessive dose of b-carotene may be toxic, but when the b-carotene is ingested from the Spirulina or another vegetable it is usually harmless since the human organism only converts into vitamin A the quantity it needs (Henrikson R., 1994).  Spirulina is a very rich source in vitamin B12, and that is a reason why these cyanobacteria is of great value for people needing supplements in the treatment of pernicious anemia (Richmond, 1992; Becker, 1984; Belay, 1997).

Lipids.  Spirulina contains 4-7% lipids.  Spirulina has essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (LA) (C18:2)D9,12 and g-linolenic acid (C18:3)D9,12,15 (GLA) (Othes and Pire, 2001), (Table 3).  The latter is claimed to have medicinal properties and is required for arachidonic acid and prostaglandin synthesis (Dubacq and Pham-Quoc, 1993).  GLA lowers low-density lipoprotein, being 170-fold more effective than LA (Cohen, 1997).

Minerals.  Iron in some nutritional complements is not appropriately absorbed.  Iron in Spirulina is 60% better absorbed than ferrous sulfate and other complements.  Consequently, it could represent an adequate source of iron in anemic pregnant women (Pyufoulhoux, et al., 2001) (Table 4).

Carbohydrates.  Spirulina platensis contains about 13.6% carbohydrates; some of these are glucose, rhamnose, mannose, xylose and galactose (Shekharam, et al., 1987).  Spirulina does not have cellulose in its cell wall, a feature that makes it an appropriate and important foodstuff for people with problems of poor intestinal absorption, and geriatric patients (Richmond, 1992).  A new high molecular weight polysaccharide, with immunostimulatory activity has been isolated from Spirulina and is called “Immulina”.  This highly water-soluble polysaccharide represents between 0.5% and 2.0% (w/w) of the dry microalgae (Pugh, et al., 2001).

Nucleic acids content.  One of the main concerns about the consumption of microorganisms is their high content of nucleic acids that may cause disease such as gout.  Spirulina contains 2.2%-3.5% of RNA and 0.6 %-1% of DNA, which represents less than 5% of these acids, based on dry weight.  These values are smaller than those of other microalgae like Chlorella and Scenedesmus (Ciferri, 1983).

Pigments. Some natural pigments are found in Spirulina, (Table 5).  These pigments are responsible for the characteristic colors of certain flamingo species that consume these cyanobacteria in the African Valley.  This knowledge has promoted the use of this microorganism as source of pigmentation for fish, eggs (Ciferri, 1983; Saxena, et al., 1983; Henrikson, 1994) and chicken.  Spirulina also increases the yellowness and redness of broiled chicken due to accumulation of zeaxanthin (Toyomizu, et al., 2001).


Studies have shown that Spirulina consumption during 4 weeks reduces serum cholesterol levels in human beings by 4.5% (Henrikson, 1994) and significantly reduces body weight by 1.4 +/- 0.4 Kg after four weeks (Becker, et al., 1986).   These reports indicated no changes in clinical parameters (blood pressure) or in biochemical variables (hematocrite, hemoglobin, white blood cells, sedimentation rate) and absence of adverse effects.  The reduction of cholesterol is partly owed to the g-linolenic acid cyanobacteria high content (Henrikson, 1994).

The b-carotene is one of the most effective substances to counteract those free radicals that alter cells causing cancer (Fedkovic, et al., 1993; Schwartz, et al., 1990).  Studies at the Harvard University School of Dental Medicine found a reduction in mouth cancer when b-carotene extracts, obtained from Spirulina, are consumed.  The b-carotene solution applied to oral cancer tumors in hamsters reduced the tumor number and size and in some cases these disappeared (Schwartz and Shklar, 1987; Schwartz, et al., 1988). Spirulina extract induces the tumor necrosis factor in macrophages, suggesting a possible tumor destruction mechanism (Shklar and Schwartz, 1988).

An extract of sulfated polysaccharides, called Calcium-Spirulan (Ca-SP), made up of rhamnose, ribose, mannose, fructose, galactose, xylose, glucose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, and calcium sulfate, obtained from Spirulina, showed activity against HIV, Herpes Simplex Virus, Human Cytomegalovirus, Influenza A Virus, Mumps Virus and Measles Virus (Henrikson R, 1994; Hayashi, 1996b).   Current investigation in this field is searching for extracts that inhibit the AIDS virus replication (Ayehunie, et al., 1998) and allows these patients to improve their health.

Spirulina excretes variable quantities of products from its metabolism such as: organic acids, vitamins, and phytohormones.  Cell extract of S. maxima has shown antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtillis, Streptococcus aureus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Candida albicans. The presence of high quantities of acrylic acid in Spirulina was substantiated at the end of the seventies.  This substance shows anti-microbial activity, in a 2 mg/L of biomass concentration.  Propionic, benzoic and mandelic organic acids were also found (Balloni W. et al., 1980).

Lactobacillus population in human gastrointestinal tract is increased by Spirulina consumption.  This means: food digestion and absorption improvement, intestinal protection against bacterial infections and immune system stimulation (Henrikson, 1994; Schiffrin, et al., 1997).  Immune system modulation is due to interference on production and NK cytotoxicity (Hirahashi, et al., 2002).

Spirulina reduces:  hepatic damage due to drug abuse and heavy metal exposure, inflammatory response (Richmond, 1984; González, et al., 1999), cells degeneration (Bulik, 1993), anaphylactic reaction (Yang, et al., 1997), Bitot’s spots, and Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 radiation in Chernobyl children (Henrikson, 1994).  

Spirulina contains vitamin A, important in preventing eye diseases; iron and vitamin B12, useful in treating hypoferric anemia and pernicious anemia, respectively; g-linolenic acid, appropriate in treatment of atopic child eczema therapy; to alleviate premenstrual syndrome, and in immune system stimulation (Pascaud, 1993).  Spirulina also has a positive effect on cardiac disease, Parkinson`s disease, malnutrition, sclerosis (Richmond A, 1992; Fox, 1993, Fox, 1998; Thein, 1993) and wounds cure (Richmond, 1992).

Other benefits are attributed to Spirulina:  anti-arthritic effect due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties of phycocyanin (Ramirez, et al., 2002); anti-atherogenic property (Kaji, et al., 2002), tumor burden inhibition (Dasgupta, et al., 2001); chemo protective and radio-protective effect (Zhang, et al., 2001); and antioxidant activity on lead-induced toxicity in rats (Upasani, et al., 2001).

In Mexico, Spirulina is used in to enrich candies.  In Australia and New Zealand beverages of this substance are marketed.  In Japan, India, and Singapore Spirulina-enriched appetizers are sold specially to pregnant women, children and elderly.  Spirulina is not only food, but also a natural coloring in Japanese chewing gums.  Countries like Chile, France, Cuba, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand market food complements, which include Spirulina as the main component.  Internationally, skin care products, shampoos, dyes, masks, creams and tonics containing this microorganism are marketed.  In Sweden low calorie bread enriched with Spirulina is sold, and in France a vegetable pâté, made of Spirulina, is sold as bread spread (Henrikson, 1994).  

Many agricultural and industrial materials are being prepared from cyanobacteria. These include: biomass (Ciferri, 1983; Richmond and Becker, 1984; Shang-Hao, 1988; Thein, 1993), restriction nucleases (Kawamura, et al., 1986), antifungal, antineoplastic (Moore, et al., 1984; Clardy, et al., 1990), antimicrobial (Gerwick, et al., 1987), anti-leukemia (Moore, et al., 1977) and herbicidal compounds (Entzeroth, et al., 1985).  Some pigments have been produced from cyanobacteria (Jung and Dailey, 1989; Paniagua-Michel and Sasson, 1995).   Other products from microalgae are:  amino acids (Kerby, et al., 1988), and fertilizers (Boussiba, 1988).

Spirulina has been studied as an animal cell-growth stimulant (Kerby and Rowell, 1992) and in the treatment of residual waters using alginate (Cañizares, et al., 1993; Patnaik, et al., 2001).  Phycocyanin shows activity on vegetable cell cultures with production of secondary metabolites as anthocyanin (Ramachandra, et al., 1996).  This pigment has the ability to inhibit oxidative damage in DNA and hence it may be used as a therapeutic agent (Bhat, et al., 2001).

Spirulina is used in Japan and Taiwan as aquarium fish food, in United States to enhance color, speed the growth and sexual maturation of canaries and exotic birds (Saxena, et al., 1983).  Cattle and horse breeders affirm that when adding Spirulina to silage, the quantity of sperms in males and the fertility in females are increased (Henrikson, 1994).  Labeo rohita (rohu), an Indian carp, showed greater growth after being fed with Spirulina (Nandeesha, et al., 2001).  In chickens, Spirulina increases the mononuclear phagocyte system function thereby enhancing their disease resistance (Al-Batshan, et al., 2001).


This microorganism in general terms do not exceed the metal concentration limits recommended by international agencies.  But due to the use of fertilizers, possible water and environmental pollution optimal quality control and periodic revisions of this cyanobacteria culture is necessary to detect high metal concentration values (Chamorro, et al., 1996).  Studies in Mexico showed that the administration of S. platensis to mice does not cause embryonic or fetal damages (Chamorro, et al., 1989; Chamorro and Salazar, 1990).

Absence of phycotoxins in Spirulina is an advantage with respect to Microcystis, Anabaena and Aphanizomenon, fresh water cyanobacteria that have caused death in livestock and allergic or gastrointestinal reactions in human beings (Chamorro, et al., 1996).

Chronic and sub-chronic toxicity studies have not revealed toxic effects by Spirulina.  The lethal dose (LD50) of Spirulina has not been determined, since it would be necessary to dispense high quantities in one single dose (Chamorro, et al., 1996; Switzer, 1980).


The main commercial large-scale culture of microalgae started in the early 1960s in Japan with the culture of Chlorella, followed by Spirulina in the early 1970s at Lake Texcoco, Mexico.  The third major microalgae industry was established in Australia in 1986.  Commercial production of Dunaliella salina was cultured as a source of β-carotene (Borowitzka, 1998).

The first plant in USA (Earthrise Farms) for the exploitation of Spirulina, built in 1981 in California, emerged as the result of a research work on its culture by Dainippon Ink & Chemicals, Inc. of Japan and Proteus Corporation of California (Vonshak, 1997), (Table 6).  Spirulina grows quickly and produces 20 times more protein by surface unit that soy beams (Henrikson, 1994).  When comparing the growth of Spirulina and the agricultural crop cycles, the difference in the time of production is noticeable.  In agriculture, the harvest is obtained after several months of cultivation, while Spirulina is produced continually (Switzer, 1980).

Production process of Spirulina requires clonal or unialgal cultures (isolation of a single algal unit or trichome), (Vonshak, 1984; González, et al., 1995;  Hoshaw and Rosowski, 1979).  The method begins with the determination of physical and chemical parameters of the water sample, which constitutes the main ingredient of the growth medium.  The Spirulina samples should remain under dim light or in darkness and at 20-25°C; freezing temperature is not recommended because it favors lysis and death (Rippka, 1988).  Isolation of the microorganism is carried out under an intensely lighted  microscope and with a capillary pipette so that one and only one filament is selected (Ayala,  2000) by its morphological attributes (color, size of trichomes, length and apical filament characteristics).  If axenic cultures, specific for physiologic and biochemical studies of algae, are wanted, special treatments such as: centrifugation followed by ultrasonic treatments with antibiotics and potassium tellurite are required (Hoshaw and Rosowski, 1979).

Cyanobacteria are grown in many liquid and solid culture media such as:  BG11, ASM-1, Z8, SAG, BBM, AA, KMC, Kn Cg-10, D (Rippka, 1988) and Spirulina grows in culture media such as:  Zarrouk, SSM (Sea Saltpeter Medium) , Vonshak, Spirulina and AO (Ogawa and Aiba, 1977; Ayala and Bravo R, 1982).

Zarrouk medium (Zarrouk, 1966; Borowitzka, 1992) is frequently used during the isolation process and the SSM medium is preferred in the industrial production stage (Ayala, 2000).  Eight mayor medium factors influence the productivity of Spirulina: luminosity (photo-period 12/12, 4 luxes), temperature (30°C), inoculation size, stirring speed, dissolved solids (10-60 g/L), pH (8.5-10.5), water quality, macro and micronutrient presence, (C, N, P, K, S, Mg, Na, Cl, Ca and Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, W) (Ciferri, 1983; Ayala, 1998).  

Spirulina production may be carried out in closed and open systems.  The first one involves laboratory photo bioreactors (Materassi, et al., 1980; Torzillo and Carlozzi, 1996;  Watanabe and Hall, 1996).  This is not used in industrial production.  The open system, denominated raceway (Figure, 5), due to its low production cost, easy handling and high production of biomass, is frequently chosen for industrial production. This method uses a pond with a central islet, a motor operating a paddle wheel which allows continuous displacement of the liquid culture in the peripheral channel.  Paddle wheels speed in the order of 20 cm s-1 has been recommended.  If necessary, plates may be introduced to avoid dead point formation.  When this type of reactor is located outdoors the following factors should be considered as modifiers on the cyanobacteria growth:  the medium composition (Ciferri, 1983), evaporation speed, culture contamination, and temperature (35°C–38ºC)(Walmsley, et al., 1981).

Productive process has five stages: Filtration and Cleaning, a nylon filter at the entrance of the water pond is needed; Pre-concentration, to obtain algal biomass which is washed to reduce salts content; Concentration, to remove the highest possible amount of interstitial water (located among the filaments); Neutralization, to neutralize the biomass with the addition of acid solution; Disintegration, to break down trichomes by a grinder; Dehydration by spray-drying; this operation has great economic importance since it involves about 20-30% of the production cost (Ayala and Laing, 1990); Packing is done in sealed plastic bags to avoid hygroscopic action on the dry Spirulina; and Storage, in corrugate cardboard boxes, and in fresh, dry, dim, pest-free, and clean storeroom, preventing Spirulina pigments from deteriorating (Ayala, 1998).  Quality control for Spirulina as a food includes microbiological standard tests, chemical composition test, and test for heavy metals, pesticides and extraneous materials (insect fragments, rodent hair and feather fragments) (Belay, 1997).

The above-mentioned facts stress Spirulina is a non-noxious microorganism with a very high nutritional and economic potential for animal consumption including man.  It may be cultured in laboratory, pilot plant and at industrial scale in a simple way.  However, like in all food processing, it is necessary to maintain good production conditions and quality.


A bibliographical review on Spirulina identifies this microorganism as microalgae or bacteria, by botanists and bacteriologist respectively.   This study has revealed a rather significant number of research studies done on its properties, some of these are related to human and animal food uses.    Spirulina is claimed as a non-toxic, nutritious food, with some corrective properties against viral attacks, anemia, tumoral growth and low prostaglandins production in mammals; and as a source of the yellow coloration of egg yolk when consumed by hens, and a growth, sexual maturation and fertility factor, in bovines.  This material contains proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carotenes, chlorophyll a and phycocyanin.   Spirulina may be produced in rather simple pilot plants or industrial installations if good conditions and quality controls are assured.  

Food Type ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Crude Protein %
Spirulina powder ? ? ? ? ? ? ?65

Whole Dried egg ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 47

Beer Yeast ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 45

Skimmed powdered milk ? ? ? ? 37

Whole soybean flour ? ? ? ? ? 36

Parmesan Cheese ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 36

Wheat germ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 27

Peanuts ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 26

Chicken ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?24

Fish ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?22

Beef meat ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 22

Table 1. Quantity of Spirulina proteins

and other foods (Henrikson, 1994).

Vitamins ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?mg 100 g-1

Provitamin A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.330.000 IU kg –1

(β-carotene) ? ? ? ? ?           140

Vitamin E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?100 a-tocopherol equiv.

Thiamin B1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             3.5

Riboflavin B2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             4.0

Niacin B3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?           14.0

Vitamin B6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             0.8

Vitamin B12 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            0.32

Folic acid       ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?       0.01

Biotin         ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?     0.005

Phantothenic acid             0.1

Vitamin K             2.2

                           Table 2. ?Vitamins in Spirulina powder (Belay, 1997).

Fatty acid
Fatty acids (%)

(C14) Myristic acid

(C16) Palmitic acid

(C16:1)D9 Palmitoleic acid

(C18:1)D9 Oleic acid

(C18:2)D9,12 Linoleic acid

(C18:3)D9,12,15 g-Linolenic acid


Table 3. Fatty acid composition of Spirulina

                                                 platensis powder (Othes and Pire, 2001).

Mineral mg 100g-1


Chromium          0.28









Table 4. Minerals in Spirulina powder (Belay, 1997).

mg 100g-1


Chlorophyll a


Chart 5.  Pigments in Spirulina powder (Belay, 1997).

Name of Company
Total area
Production (ton)

Earthrise Farms
Calipatria, California, USA
ª Intensive ponds, total area 150.000m2
ª 1995:  360

ª 1996:  400

b  2002:  450

Myanma Microalgae Biotechnology Project
Yangon, Myanmar
ª Mainly native ponds with a total area 130.000m2
ª 1995: 32

ª 1996: 40

Cyanotech Corporation
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
ª Intensive ponds, total area 100.000m2
ª 1995:  250

ª 1996:  300

Hainan DIC Microalgae Co., Ltd
b Total area 100.000m2
b 2002: 330

Ballarpur Industries Ltd
Nanjangud, Mysore District, India
ª Intensive ponds, total area 54.000m2
ª 1994 - 1995 : 25

ª 1995 - 1996:  85

Nao Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd
Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
ª Intensive ponds, total area 50.000m2
ª 1995:  70

ª 1996:  80

ª 2000:  150

Neotech Food Co., Ltd
Banpong, Rajburi, Thailand
ª Intensive ponds, total area 50.000m2
ª 1995:  30

ª 1996:  40

b Intensive ponds, total area 45.000m2
b 2001: 100

Siam Algae Co., Ltd.
b Total area 30.000m2
b 2002:  135

Solarium Biotechnology
La Huayca, Chile
b Intensive ponds, total area 24.000m2
b  2000 (Oct-Dec): 4.5

b  2001: 28,6

b  2002 (Jan -  Oct): 13

                Table 6:  Some commercial producers of Spirulina

                (ª Vonshak, 1997 ; b Pers. Comm.  October 2002).
Thanks anh Lamvt nhiều lắm. Em đã search và biết được ở VN có một vài người ứng dụng spirulina trong thực phẩm tạo ra sản phẩm có giá trị dinh dưỡng cao.
Anh nói cơ sở Thạc sỹ Lăng. Cho em biết cơ sở của thầy ở đâu với anh nhé!
Thanks again!
to lammvt
không có chút gì hé mở mà chỉ biết khai thác thôi
Thanh Hóa thuần chủng không chê vào đâu được
anh Lam nè, ăn nói cho cẩn thận nhé. Anh là người lớn mà phát ngôn bừa bãi vậy à.
hi anh Lâmvt
Em nghe nói là tảo Spi này vừa dễ nuôi mà cũng khó nuôi nữa, dễ nuôi là vì nếu có môi trường thích hợp thì nó sẽ phát triển bình thường, còn môi trường thiếu chất nào đó thì sẽ không đáp ứng đuợc, em có người wen đã thử trồng tảo này rồi, hồi đó người đó có đi đến Phan Rang, phan tHiết gì đó em cũng chắng nhớ cụ thể nhưng hình như chỗ đó có nguồn nứơc suối Vĩnh Hảo và phát hiện ra Spi sống được ở đó, nên có đem về gần nhà nuôi trồng thử ở Suối Nho ở Bà Rịa nhưng không thành công vì hình như môi trường ở Suối Nho thếu thành phần để nó phát triển nên bị chết hết. Em nghe nói anh cũng có một cơ sở ?nuôi trồng tảo, nếu có thể được cho em "ké" tí để học hỏi đuợc không ạ :roll: (hìhì... em nghiêm túc cực kì đó, vì em cũng năm 3 rùi nên có ý định chọn topic này để làm)
ah, anh là chuyên gia về tảo nên chắc chắn là anh hiểu rõ hơn em những ứng dụng của tảo này phải ko a. Em thấy tụi foreigner ứng dụng nhanh lắm, còn VietNamese mình thì còn hạn chế vì ?cũng chẳng mấy ai biết trừ những người trong nghành. Em đọc báo thấy chỉ có TS_DS LuongV Lăng gì đó đã thành công trong việc trồng Spi rùi, với thấy một số thuốc bổ của VNamese có chứa thành phần Spi, nhưng còn về ứng dụng trong mỹ phẩm, trong thực phẩm đặt biệt trong công nghệ sản xuất bia thì chưa ai thử cả, em thấy tụi Đức đã sản xuất được bia xanh ( bia có thanh fần Spi) rùi, em "wonder" nếu anh em mình bắt tay hợp tác mà thành công thì hốt bạc anh nhỉ.... hihihi.... :D vì ở VN mình chỉ mới có bia vàng, bia đen thui .
Worldwide spirulina farms
Three kinds of commercial farms operate today. Lake farms harvest spirulina growing in natural lakes. Outdoor pond cultivation systems may use open ponds or covered greenhouses. Newly developed enclosed systems use transparent tubes or photo-bioreactors.

Lake harvest farmsLake harvest systems offer better quality control than harvesting wild algae, but have some similar risks. They may enjoy advantages of inexpensive nutrient sources in the alkaline lakes and lower labor costs than developed countries, but quality may be inconsistent.
Mexico: In the 1970s, a Mexican company realized the algae in Lake Texcoco clogging the extraction of soda brines from the lake was spirulina. The world’s first large plant was built here. Spirulina Mexicana had a larger potential capacity than any other farm.
In 1979 Mexican spirulina was first exported to the U.S. for use in health food products, but in 1982 it was blocked by U.S. authorities due to quality problems. Lake Texcoco is located next to Mexico City, one of the most polluted cities. Steps were taken to improve product quality, including heat sterilization to destroy bacteria levels in the lake. Much of it was sold as animal and aquaculture feed. Spirulina Mexicana has been closed for several years.
6.18. Sosa Texcoco / Spirulina Mexicana near Mexico City.
Myanmar: In 1988, commercial harvest began on several alkaline volcanic lakes that enjoy natural blooms of spirulina. By 1993, 30 tons per year was being harvested and sold on the local market. By 1999 production increased to 100 tons per year. (see Chapter 8).
Chad: The alkaline lakes around Lake Chad in Africa offer an ideal location. Commercial ventures have attempted to produce algae near Lake Chad. Meanwhile, indigenous women harvest spirulina dihé (described in Chapter 1), distributing nearly 30 tons per year.

Advanced pond cultivation systems
Most commercial farms are designed and built from the ground up, with shallow raceway ponds circulated by paddlewheels. They operate in a similar fashion to Earthrise Farms. Ponds vary in size up to 5000 square meters (about 1.25 acres), and water depth is usually 15 to 25 centimeters. They require more capital investment per area than lake farms, and operate at higher efficiency and quality control.
6.19. Spirulina ponds of Siam Algae Company in Thailand.

Thailand: Dainippon Ink & Chemicals (DIC) started Siam Algae in 1978 near Bangkok, Thailand. With a tropical climate and a year-round growing season, Siam Algae has high productivity and grows 150 tons per year. Most is sold in Japan for health food products. There are several other smaller producers in Thailand.
Hawaii, USA: Cyanotech opened a farm in 1985 on the Kona coast on the Big Island of Hawaii. Over the years the farm has expanded, and produces over 400 tons of spirulina per year, as well as dunaliella and haematococcus algae.
China: Since 1987, the industry has been sponsored by the State Science and Technology Commission. China may have 80 spirulina producers today, with an annual capacity of well over 500 tons. There are four types: 1) A plateau alkaline salt lake farm, Chenhai Lake in Yunnan, the largest grower. 2) Southern coastal outdoor farms in Guandong, Hainan, Fujian, Jiangshu. The DIC farm on Hainan Island may be the largest, with a capacity of 300 tons per year. 3) Inland semi-closed systems in Hubei and Shandong. 4) High latitute saline-alkaline water farms in the Yellow River Valley and Hubei.2 3
Taiwan: Since the 1970s, Taiwan has been a major chlorella producer. Five microalgae farms have the capacity to produce several hundred tons of spirulina per year. Depending the market, some shift to growing chlorella when its price is higher.

6.20. Yaeyama farm in Southern Japan grows chlorella in circular ponds.
6.21. New Ambadi farm in India grows spirulina in raceway style ponds.
India: Research began in late 1970s, from backyard family scale to production farms. In 1990 India established a national standard specification for food grade spirulina. The two largest commercial farms have an estimated capacity of sevaral hundred tons per year. 3
[H1] Vietnam [/H1]: Production in Binh Thuan province is about 10 tons per year, sold locally as health food and special feeds. 3
Cuba: Two farms produce about 40 tons per year.
Chile: In 1991, Solarium started production in the Atacama desert, producing about 3 tons per year.
Israel: The Desert Research Institute has researched spirulina for over 20 years. Large scale Israeli production did not achieve success.

Other farms: There are reports of production in Bangladesh, Philippines, Martinique, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Australia and other countries. Spirulina farms are blossoming around the world.

Tubes, bioreactors and microfarms
Spirulina needs hot temperatures to grow well. Most temperate climates are too cold for outdoor pond cultivation year round. This limits the locations where it can be grown economically. It may not even be possible to maintain a pure culture of other microalgae outdoors. To grow other high value algae and to increase growth rates, scientists have investigated new growing systems, called bioreactors.
Tube, coil and vertical plate systems
Plexiglass tubes and coils act as solar collectors, increasing temperature and extending the growing season. Algae is pumped continuously through rows of connected flexible transparent tubes or coils. Much greater density can be maintained than in open ponds.
Advantages are increased productivity, less water loss from evaporation, screening out contaminant algae, greater control over the culture, and ability to grow a pure culture of algae. On the downside, algae may stick to the inside of the tubes and block sunlight, and tubes may get too hot. Excessive oxygen produced by the algae while growing can reduce growth. A vertical plate system has been designed that has a flexible orientation to the sun, and allows oxygen to be released at the bottom.4
When scaled up for commercial spirulina production these systems do not yet compete with lower cost open ponds, but should be useful for other higher value algae.

6.22. A continuous loop photobioreactor for growing algae outdoors (Courtesy of Tomaselli)5
6.23. A flat plate reactor for growing spirulina outside (Courtesy of Tredici)4

Controlled indoor bioreactors use transparent tanks and artificial lights, growing algae much like bacteria and yeast. Outdoor commercial bioreactors are designed in modules with rows of transparent tubes stretched along the ground, or in vertical cylinders. Companies are offering bioreactors for high-value algae such as spirulina, chlorella, haematococcus, nannochloropsis, isochrysis and others for pharmaceutical, industrial, cosmetic and aquacultural applications.

6.24. Commercial tubular photobioreactor (Courtesy of Microalgae S.p.a. Italy)6
6.25. Commercial modular photobioreactor (Courtesy of Addavita ltd. UK)7

Community greenhouses and microfarms
Ecologically designed future communities may incorporate microfarms. Computers can handle the basic functions of cultivation inside a controlled greenhouse or bioreactor. On a tiny land area, a community could meet a significant portion of its protein and vitamin requirements from microalgae, freeing cropland for community recreation or reforestation.
ông Lăng mới là thạc sỹ dược học thôi
mà cũng chỉ là đi sau nhưng về đích trước (Tiền nhiều, khả năng bản thân tốt)
tôi sẵn sàng ủng hộ bạn nhưng bạn cho biết thông tin về suối của bạn và bạn ơ đâu
có thể mail cho tôi: lamvt@vnu.edu.vn
To biotomato
Brewed since 2003 in China

4.5 % alc. vol.

Spirulina is added into Tsingtao Beer in the brewing process resulting in a crystal clear green colour. It is a ‘green health’ beverage for the new century. It not only retains the original nutrition and taste of the beer, but also adds various active substances such as protein, amino acids, linolenic acid, microelements, vitamins, carotene and spiulina polyhexose etc. to the beer.

coi hình green beer ?ở đây nè. Nhìn hấp dẫn muốn một ly quá tomato ơi. Làm về green beer vậy tomato nên đổi thành: biobeer đi là vừa. :D
Đúng là cái green beer này nhiều nước thấy làm ầm ầm quá trời. Vnese mình sao hổng thấy cà. Trông chờ biobeer đó nghen :roll:
hay đó
thực ra tôi mạnh về công nghệ nuôi trồng thu sinh khối, lưu giữ giống thôi chứ ứng dụng thì chỉ được nghe mà thôi chứ chưa làm bao giờ
Có ai ở Đà Nẵng không cho tôi nhờ chút (Mail cho tôi nhé ? ?lamvt@vnu.edu.vn)


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