Lê Đoàn Thanh Lâm
Senior Member
Ph.D. position in Plant Genomics / Bioinformatics
A Ph.D. student position is available starting March 2009 or later in the
lab of Christian Hardtke at the Department of Plant Molecular Biology,
University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Our department offers excellent
research infrastructure combined with a lively, interactive and
international scientific community, located in the beautiful Lake Geneva
The candidate is expected to interact with other lab members, including
bioinformaticians, as well as Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics staff to
annotate and exploit large scale genomic data (UHTS) for various projects in
the lab, and to contribute to the generation of statistical models of plant
More details about the project are available upon request.
Strongly motivated candidates with a solid background knowledge in molecular
biology & bioinformatics are encouraged to apply.
Please forward applications including a curriculum vitae and contact
information for two senior scientist referees by e-mail to
lab web page: www.unil.ch/dbmv/page21142_en.html
Post-doctoral position: Functional characterization of phloem expressed genes <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
A postdoc position is available immediately in the group of C Bellini, at the Umeå Plant Science Centre - http:/www.upsc.se/ - (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1lace w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Umeå</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Sweden</st1:country-region></st1lace>) to characterize the function of phloem expressed genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. <o></o>
The complexity of the phloem functioning at different structural and physiological levels begins to be recognized. Nevertheless, despite a key role in plant life and adaptation, genes controlling phloem differentiation and its functioning are poorly known. Its low representation within the plant, less than 0,4% of the total volume of the leaf made for long its study problematic. This was recently overcome by using phloem-enriched fractions of plant tissues, which enabled to establish libraries of genes preferentially expressed in the phloem and potentially involved in specific functions. We decided to address the mechanisms controlling phloem functions through a functional genomic approach. From several transcriptome data-bases available we selected genes showing high expression in the phloem compartment and encoding tanscription factors and membrane proteins. Through an integrative approach combining modern genetics, molecular biology and cell biology we are now getting further insights in their role in regulating phloem functioning.<o></o>
You will work in a highly stimulating environment at <st1lace w:st="on"><st1laceName w:st="on">Umeå</st1laceName> <st1laceName w:st="on">Plant</st1laceName> <st1laceName w:st="on">Science</st1laceName> <st1laceType w:st="on">Center</st1laceType></st1lace>-a leading research institute in experimental plant biology, in a friendly and international atmosphere.<o></o>
Applicants hold a PhD degree in molecular biology, genetics or plant biology. They have a strong background in molecular biology and genetics techniques. Experience with plants is preferred. Competences in cell biology and microscopy techniques will be highly appreciated. <o></o>
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential.<o></o>
Funding is for 1 year with possibility of extension. <o></o>
The position is available immediately. <o></o>
The application including letter of interest, curriculum vitae, detailed research experience, achievements and publication list, names and contact information of 3 references should be sent as a single PDF file to Catherine.Bellini@genfys.slu.se.<o></o>
Application will be open until the position is filled.
Proposition de Post-doc dans le cadre d'un projet ANR PRECODD.
Duree 2 ans (démarrage février 2009)
Salaire brut : 2 250.00 euros mensuel
Salaire net : 1 835.00 euros mensuel
Laboratoire Microorganismes : Génome et Environnement (http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/LABOS/lmge/)
Equipe Génomique Intégrée des Interactions Microbiennes
Sujet Post-doctoral:
Les logiciels existants de détermination des sondes oligonucléotides pour biopuces ADN ne répondant pas aux exigences de spécificité et de sensibilité des sondes pour la conception de biopuces pour l'environnement, l'équipe du LMGE a développé trois algorithmes :
- GoArrays (Rimour et al., 2005) qui permet de déterminer des sondes très spécifiques et très sensibles.
- PhylArray pour la conception de biopuces de type phylogénétique permettant d'identifier et de suivre des milliers d'espèces dans un environnement complexe en une seule expérience (Militon et al., 2007).
- MetabolicDesign pour appréhender la diversité métabolique d'un environnement complexe.
Un des objectifs affichés par le projet ANR Evasol passe par le développement d'algorithmes de bio-informatiques permettant l'analyse automatique des signaux des biopuces phylogénétiques et des biopuces fonctionnelles. Il est nécessaire de tenir compte de la caractérisation des oligo-sondes selon les critères requis pour atteindre un niveau théorique maximal de spécificité afin d'envisager de modéliser la dynamique des populations microbiennes dans les nappes phréatiques polluées.
contact : pierre.peyret@univ-bpclermont.fr
A Ph.D. student position is available starting March 2009 or later in the
lab of Christian Hardtke at the Department of Plant Molecular Biology,
University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Our department offers excellent
research infrastructure combined with a lively, interactive and
international scientific community, located in the beautiful Lake Geneva
The candidate is expected to interact with other lab members, including
bioinformaticians, as well as Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics staff to
annotate and exploit large scale genomic data (UHTS) for various projects in
the lab, and to contribute to the generation of statistical models of plant
More details about the project are available upon request.
Strongly motivated candidates with a solid background knowledge in molecular
biology & bioinformatics are encouraged to apply.
Please forward applications including a curriculum vitae and contact
information for two senior scientist referees by e-mail to
lab web page: www.unil.ch/dbmv/page21142_en.html
Post-doctoral position: Functional characterization of phloem expressed genes <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
A postdoc position is available immediately in the group of C Bellini, at the Umeå Plant Science Centre - http:/www.upsc.se/ - (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1lace w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Umeå</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Sweden</st1:country-region></st1lace>) to characterize the function of phloem expressed genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. <o></o>
The complexity of the phloem functioning at different structural and physiological levels begins to be recognized. Nevertheless, despite a key role in plant life and adaptation, genes controlling phloem differentiation and its functioning are poorly known. Its low representation within the plant, less than 0,4% of the total volume of the leaf made for long its study problematic. This was recently overcome by using phloem-enriched fractions of plant tissues, which enabled to establish libraries of genes preferentially expressed in the phloem and potentially involved in specific functions. We decided to address the mechanisms controlling phloem functions through a functional genomic approach. From several transcriptome data-bases available we selected genes showing high expression in the phloem compartment and encoding tanscription factors and membrane proteins. Through an integrative approach combining modern genetics, molecular biology and cell biology we are now getting further insights in their role in regulating phloem functioning.<o></o>
You will work in a highly stimulating environment at <st1lace w:st="on"><st1laceName w:st="on">Umeå</st1laceName> <st1laceName w:st="on">Plant</st1laceName> <st1laceName w:st="on">Science</st1laceName> <st1laceType w:st="on">Center</st1laceType></st1lace>-a leading research institute in experimental plant biology, in a friendly and international atmosphere.<o></o>
Applicants hold a PhD degree in molecular biology, genetics or plant biology. They have a strong background in molecular biology and genetics techniques. Experience with plants is preferred. Competences in cell biology and microscopy techniques will be highly appreciated. <o></o>
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential.<o></o>
Funding is for 1 year with possibility of extension. <o></o>
The position is available immediately. <o></o>
The application including letter of interest, curriculum vitae, detailed research experience, achievements and publication list, names and contact information of 3 references should be sent as a single PDF file to Catherine.Bellini@genfys.slu.se.<o></o>
Application will be open until the position is filled.
Proposition de Post-doc dans le cadre d'un projet ANR PRECODD.
Duree 2 ans (démarrage février 2009)
Salaire brut : 2 250.00 euros mensuel
Salaire net : 1 835.00 euros mensuel
Laboratoire Microorganismes : Génome et Environnement (http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/LABOS/lmge/)
Equipe Génomique Intégrée des Interactions Microbiennes
Sujet Post-doctoral:
Les logiciels existants de détermination des sondes oligonucléotides pour biopuces ADN ne répondant pas aux exigences de spécificité et de sensibilité des sondes pour la conception de biopuces pour l'environnement, l'équipe du LMGE a développé trois algorithmes :
- GoArrays (Rimour et al., 2005) qui permet de déterminer des sondes très spécifiques et très sensibles.
- PhylArray pour la conception de biopuces de type phylogénétique permettant d'identifier et de suivre des milliers d'espèces dans un environnement complexe en une seule expérience (Militon et al., 2007).
- MetabolicDesign pour appréhender la diversité métabolique d'un environnement complexe.
Un des objectifs affichés par le projet ANR Evasol passe par le développement d'algorithmes de bio-informatiques permettant l'analyse automatique des signaux des biopuces phylogénétiques et des biopuces fonctionnelles. Il est nécessaire de tenir compte de la caractérisation des oligo-sondes selon les critères requis pour atteindre un niveau théorique maximal de spécificité afin d'envisager de modéliser la dynamique des populations microbiennes dans les nappes phréatiques polluées.
contact : pierre.peyret@univ-bpclermont.fr