Toi xin gui cho Cuong va moi nguoi mot excerpt ve Golden Rice, cua Gerard Barry (Head cua Intellectual Property Management Unit, Golden Rice Network). Co nhieu presentations ve van de nay, nhung Toi thay la presentation cua Gerard Barry co giai thich tuong doi ro rang ve su phuc tap cua...
Google "qPCR standard curve" hoac la ""qPCR Methods, Protocols and Troubleshootings".
Chuc Ban thanh cong,
Two possibilities: "Membrane-bound proteins" hoac "poor solubility in water"
1) Co phai Ban dang tim cach purify "membrane protein" hay khong? Neu Ban dang lam viec voi "membrane protein" thi E coli khong phai la mot "expression system" tot. Ngoai ra, khi lam viec voi "membrane...
Neu plasmid cua ban dung de "express" protein thi GST-tag se rat co ich trong cac giai doan "detection" hoac "purification" cua recombinant protein (dung commercial anti-GST antibody).
Chuc ban thanh cong,
Toi nghi la nhung publications duoi day co the giup Ban co them thong tin ve nhung nghien cuu ung dung ky thuat nay.
1) Electromagnetic field therapy delays cellular senescence and death by enhancement of the heat shock response. Experimental Gerontology, Volume 43, Issue 4, April...
Loai cay ghep giua tomato va potato (goi la pomato) da duoc thuc hien cach day kha lau (it nhat la 10 nam). Nam 2001, mot nha khoa hoc Trung Quoc da xin dang ky bang phat minh (patent) ve ky thuat nay (Chinese Patent Appl. No. CN2001143249A, CN1356022A). Hien nay, Ban co the mua mot cay pomato o...
Toi doan la co su hieu lam ve dinh nghia cua "lương" bang tieng Viet va dinh nghia cua "lương" bang tieng Anh. O My, neu ban la "PhD student" hoac "postdoctoral researcher" thi chua co the duoc xem la dang di lam. Tien cua ban duoc nhan hang thang goi la "scholarship, fellowship...
Duoi day la bao cao moi nhat cua US Department of Energy (DOE) ve biofuel production (including Ethanol) tu thuc vat (plant biomass).
Rieng ve linh vuc Ethanol fuel, Em quan tam ve phan nao? Neu Em doc mot bai review ve linh...
Cam on Luong da neu len cau hoi nay. Day la mot cau hoi duoc hoi rat nhieu trong cac blogs, PhD forums, scientific magazines, etc... Moi nguoi co mot kinh nghiem khac nhau va nhan dinh khac nhau. Ban than Toi co nhieu may man trong qua trinh hoc tap va lam viec cua minh, cho nen Toi e rang...
Toi dong y voi Jony_Nguyen ve nhung nhan xet o tren.
Rieng ve cau hoi cua Nguyen Ngoc Luong, o My co rat nhieu cong ty Pharma va Biotech, kho co the biet duoc tat ca cac ky thuat va cong nghe cua ho duoc. Chi rieng o hai thanh pho San Diego-Los Angeles, da co >650 cong ty Pharma + Biotech +...
Nhu Toi da trinh bay, kien thuc trong linh vuc nay rat rong. Va tai lieu cung rat nhieu. Em can huong dan ve linh vuc nao? Ethanol? Butanol? fire power? drop-in fuels? biogas? plant oil (e.g. Jatropha oil, palm oil, Camelina oil), algal oil?, etc... Plant materials co the la...
Jony_Nguyen co nhan xet rat dung. Jony_Nguyen dang o My thi biet rat ro la co rat nhieu cach tim postdoc positions. Tuy vay, thay vi tim cach post len nhung specific positions, Toi lai co^' y dua nhung thong tin chung chung, boi vi Toi nghi rang moi nguoi co mot hoan canh rieng, va moi nguoi co...
Em Cuong:
Neu Em du tinh di lam postdoc o My thi Toi nghi Em co the tim duoc nhieu thong tin rat bo ich trong website duoi day
Chuc Em thanh...
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