Truoc kia, Toi thuong order synthetic genes cua GeneArt. Hien nay, co nhieu cong ty offer similar services nhung Toi khong biet chat luong ra sao.
Cuong hay xin y kien cua advisor xem advisor suy nghi the nao. Vi lam viec cho industry, cach suy nghi cua Toi doi khi cung khac voi cac giao su o...
Dieu Ban viet o tren khong chinh xac. Khi Ban order synthetic genes, Ban se nhan duoc double stranded DNA (already cloned in a vector). Ban khong can phai lam gi them ngoai viec subcloning the insert into your expression vector.
Tuy vay, order synthetic genes thuong chi duoc ap dung khi...
Hi Cuong: I understand your money concern. Just remember that costs of gene synthesis per bases pair have fallen significantly. I believe that it is now around 35-40 cents/bp. In addition, you can have them synthesized and shipped to your lab within a week or two (including codon optimization...
Duoi day la mot list cua cac ngan hang luu tru giong vi sinh vat. Em co the vao website cua ho de search giong vi sinh vat trong collection cua ho.
Chuc may man,
Australia: Lady Mary Fairfax Cellbank Australia (CBA); The National Measurement Institute
Toi gui cho moi nguoi trong dien dan mot vai surveys ve salary cua scientists tai My, nam 2009-
Hy vong la moi nguoi deu co the tim duoc nhung thong...
Cam on Minh Thi:
Doc message cua Minh Thi Toi moi chot nho ra la cong ty cua Toi cung thuong order primers cua IDT (da lau lam roi toi khong co lam thi nghiem trong lab).
OK. Please try the following link:
Toi khong biet nhieu ve cac cong ty o Europe.
Chuc may man,
Ban Ho Huu Tho va Nguoi Nhai:
Tai lieu ve linh vuc nay tuong doi phuc tap, va "patent law" cua moi nuoc cung co nhieu dieu rat khac nhau. Cac Ban co the start bang website cua co quan So Huu Tri Tue the gioi ( Ngoai ra, Ban co the Google cac key terms "intellectual...
Da tung hoc tap va lam viec nhieu nam o Chau Au va My, Toi dong y voi hau het nhung nhan xet cua GS Nguyen Van Tuan, va Toi chi muon bo sung mot chi tiet nho ve tieng Anh.
O phong thi nghiem noi Toi lam PhD o Phap (Chau Au), moi khi muon submit mot manuscript quan trong cho mot tap san khoa hoc...
Neu muc dich chinh cua Ban la muon biet nong do cua PCR product thi Ban phai purify, neu khong thi khi Ban do OD260, spectrophotometer se do ca "free nucleotides" va "DNA template" in your PCR reaction.
Ban Ho Huu Tho:
Cau tra loi se tuy theo rat nhieu yeu to: number of PCR cycles, polymerase, concentration of DNA template, primers, dNTP mix, etc. Tuy nhien, neu Ban muon biet "maximum yield" thi cac ky thuat vien da tung lam viec voi Toi thuong nhan duoc khoang 5-6 microgram/reaction (using...
Ban nthanh:
Toi doan la Ban chi can "purify" mot trong hai DNA fragments. Neu nhu vay thi Ban co the dung restriction enzyme de "destroy" fragment con lai truoc khi Ban chay dien di.
Neu Toi doan khong dung thi nhu Ho Huu Tho da viet, Ban nen cho moi nguoi trong dien dan biet them chi tiet ve...
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