Blood Test Predicts Success of Quitting Smoking Using the Nicotin

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Blood Test Predicts Success of Quitting Smoking Using the Ni

MAY 17, 2006
? Blood Test Predicts Success of Quitting Smoking Using the Nicotine Patch
? New PENN Study Gets Researchers One Step Closer to Tailored Treatment
to Help Smokers Quit
? ?

(Philadelphia, PA) – A blood test may enable (cho phép/giúp) doctors to predict (dự doán) which smokers using the nicotine patch (miếng dán nicotine) are likely to experience the least amount of cravings (cơn thèm) and have the highest probability of success (khả năng thành công cao nhất) in quitting cigarettes (cai nghiện/bỏ thuốc lá), according to (theo như) the results of a study ?in the June issue of the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The blood test, which is a measure (phép đo) ?of the rate at which nicotine is metabolized (chuyển hoá) , may eventually be performed non-invasively using saliva or urine samples (mẫu nước bọt hay nước tiểu) . “The ultimate aim (mục đích sau cùng) here is to distinguish (phân biệt) smokers who are likely to benefit ?from a standard dose ?(liều tiêu chuẩn) of nicotine patch from those who may need a higher dose patch or an alternative therapy (liệu pháp trị liệu thay thế khác) in order to succeed in quitting,” said lead researcher for the study, Caryn Lerman, PhD, Associate Director for Cancer Control and Population Science at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, and Director of the University of Pennsylvania Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center.

When nicotine is metabolized – or broken down (phân rã) in the body – it turns to cotinine. Cotinine is then metabolized to 3-hydroxycotinine (3-HC) by an enzyme in the liver (gan). This study measured the ratio (tỷ lệ) of these two breakdown products (sản phẩm bị phân rã) of nicotine among 480 smokers. A high ratio meant ?rapid metabolism of nicotine, which was associated (gắn liền/tương ứng) with higher amounts of craving and greater difficulty in quitting cigarettes using the nicotine patch.

The smokers who participated in the study quit smoking and started using either the patch or the nicotine nasal spray (nicotine ở dạng xịt mũi) ?for eight weeks. Measurements of carbon monoxide levels in exhaled (toả ra) air identified (chỉ định) those who were not smoking at the eight-week and six-month intervals (thời gian trung gian giữa hai lần thí nghiệm 8 và 6 tuần) following the quit date. Study participants (người tham gia thí nghiệm) ?also provided information on level of cravings for cigarettes one week after their quit date.

“Using the rate of nicotine metabolism, we were able to predict the level of cravings and the efficacy (hiệu lực) of the nicotine patch,” said Lerman. “Similar results could not be obtained for the nicotine spray, most likely because the subjects were able to compensate (bù trừ) for rapid metabolism of nicotine by using the spray more often.”

“If a prospective (sắp tới) ?study replicates these results, we will be in a position to recommend this blood test to tailor (biến đổi) the type and dose of nicotine replacement therapy for smokers who wish to quit,” Lerman said.

This study was funded (trợ cấp kinh phí) by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the Pennsylvania State Tobacco Settlement. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has also supported the University of Pennsylvania’s Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center, which conducted this research.

The paper based on this study is scheduled (dự kiến/lên kế hoạch) for the June issue of the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. It has been posted on the web for subscribers.


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